Irish Art World has been my main web site for a number of years and outlines many of the projects that I have conducted down through the years. However has become outdated and I am merging important projects into this Hands of History website.

This installation work was exhibited in The Lagan Tunnel, beneath the River Lagan, Belfast and at an earlier stage in the gallery at Conway Mill. The Tunnel was the perfect venue for artwork that explored issues of cultural confinement.
I have produced a variety of sculptures in different materials. The first series of work pictured here are from the 'Journeys' exhibition held in The Lagan Lookout. This took as its theme water bound journeys as a metaphor for exploring many issues.
I have produced a substantial amount of public art work in the north of Ireland, most of these have been in the Belfast area. Most of my public work has been produced in circumstances where I have worked closely with communities, schools and other groups.
Irish Art World